Updates From Our SCAF President - Andrew Gates

Hello everyone, it’s that time of the year already.  SCAF elections will take place later this month. Our Inspector of Elections, Shawn McBride, will be soliciting nominations in the very […]

Hello everyone, I hope you are staying dry on yet another rainy day in So. Cal.  Thank you all for being a part of a great HS girls water polo […]

Good morning everyone: PLEASE understand and take note that PERCEPTION of what we do and say is EXTTEMELY important. Someone is always watching and someone may be recording you as […]

Hello everyone With quarter finals being played tomorrow, followed by semi’s and finals next week, I thought I would pass this article along to you. It is from Ed Reed […]

Hello everyone With two weeks left in the regular season I thought I would drop you a quick note. Thank you for all of your hard work and diligence this […]